photo of convenience store shelves filled with bottles of drinks and features electronic shelf labels

Optimize consumer interaction by integrating solutions to optimize retail business from Point of Sale through the entire retail technology ecosystem and e-commerce environments, our retail services provide enterprise grade POS software, hardware, and solutions for cutting edge retail shops in North America.

Inform, Upsell, and Engage Consumers Where They Spend Money

The interactive media network, connected to our platform provides a variety of points of engagement with visitors at your retail store. Everything from electronic shelf labels, wall screens, end-cap screens, and integrated customer facing screens at the point-of-sale (POS) help guide your customers toward purchase decisions that leverages brand loyalty and can increase your revenue.

Optimize Consumer Interaction with Screens Managed by You and Supplemented by Advertising

Interactive consumer screens (ICS) can be placed in strategic places in your store to help engage customers in their shopping experience. Use the screens to provide messages, show specials, reduce paper clutter on counters (no more flyers), entice them to click through, give feedback, and join your loyalty program.

ESL in retail environment advertising shower gel

With a variety of form factors, the network will allow you to engage customers from virtually anywhere in your store, including their own phone if they download the app.

Additionally, the ICS and media network allows for brands to pay for advertising products you are already selling to your customers to generate additional advertising revenue for your store. You are also able to create your own advertising to help cross promote services and special engagements at your store or with nearby retailers on a near real-time basis.

Store clerk leaning on counter waiting to help customer in liquor store. Rows of bottles behind him.
Photo by Iryna Olar
Woman reaching for bottle of wine to purchase off high shelf
Photo by Lucia Montenegro

Get started today by investing the time with us to customize the combination of features you want to deploy. We’ll determine the timeframe and the hardware needed and provide a quote for solution design, hardware, training, deployment, and ongoing support. Contact our team today, and we will begin the work to determine the scope of the project, the return on investment, and what we can do to fulfill your needs.

faded screen of hand touching social media icons on screen

To pursue the possibilities Transformative can bring to your operation, contact our team.